(MIHAS) 2024

17 SEPTEMBER 2024 (SELASA) | 9.00 PAGI



Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan

Salam Sejahtera.

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil ‘alamin

Nahmaduhu Wa Nusalli Ala Rasoolilah Kareem

Wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmain

YABhg. Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi,

Timbalan Perdana Menteri;

YB Datuk Seri Utama Tengku Zafrul bin Tengku Abdul Aziz,

Menteri Pelaburan, Perdagangan dan Industri Malaysia;

YBhg. Reezal Merican bin Naina Merican Rizal Merican,

Pengerusi MATRADE;


Menteri Besar Perak;

Ahli Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri;

Tuan-Tuan Yang Terutama;

Keluarga MATRADE, rakan-rakan, dan saudara saudari yang dimuliakan.

  1. Alhamdulillah, pada pagi ini kita menyaksikan satu lagi kejayaan utama MITI dan MATRADE menyelenggara Majlis Perasmian Pameran Halal Antarabangsa (MIHAS) 2024 yang diiktiraf sebagai pameran halal yang terbesar di dunia.


  1. Yang lebih menarik kerana kita juga mempertahankan ekosistem halal secara menyeluruh. Pensijilan masih kita ketuai menerusi JAKIM tentunya dan MATRADE kerana usaha mereka menerobos sehingga ke peringkat antarabangsa dan kini kita saksikan peningkatan pengguna halal itu telah mencecah ke satu jumlah yang lebih besar bukan sahaja ke dunia dan negara-negara Islam tetapi ke seluruh pelusuk dunia antarabangsa.


  1. Umpamanya dalam kunjungan kita ke luar negara sama ada ASEAN, China, Eropah, dunia Arab tentunya, dan baru-baru ini ke Rusia, hampir tidak terlepas bicara dengan pemimpin-pemimpin, menekankan keperluan dan permohonan mereka supaya Malaysia berikan kerjasama bukan sahaja dari segi pensijilan tetapi dari segi perdagangan soal kegiatan halal.
  1. Jadi sektor halal ini tentunya didorong oleh faktor-faktor lain, seperti mana ditekankan mengenai ekosistem, penambahan nilai, kebersihan dari segi kesihatan, keaslian yang telah mengangkat produk dan perkhidmatan halal Malaysia ke taraf yang lebih tinggi, dan ini telah seperti mana saya sebut telah dapat dan mampu menerobos ke pasaran antaranbangsa termasuk barat dan timur. Seperti mana yang diumum oleh menteri Tengku Zafrul sebentar tadi, keputusan halal diterima di dunia Arab, terutamanya Dubai yang menjadi pusat perdagangan utama di dunia. Itu memungkinkan kita memperluaskan aspek perdagangan terutamanya Malaysia dengan menekankan industri halal.
  1. Saudara, saya ingin menyentuh hal ini dari sudut yang agak berbeda, ia memberikan satu gambaran bahawa ekonomi Islam itu bukan lagi terletak kepada institusi kewangan yang sebelumnya merajui ekonomi Islam dari sudut penolakan sistem riba, dan ada kejayaan yang telah dicatat. Tetapi kalau dilihat dari segi Maqasid Syariah secara keseluruhan, ada usaha dan upaya peningkatan ini adalah dengan memperluaskan ekosistem supaya matlamat itu harus dicapai.
  1. Melalui industri halal kita mampu memenuhi satu aspek yang lemah, yang tidak dapat dikuasai umumnya dalam industi atau sektor kewangan iaitu dapat menyantuni dan melepasi kelompok yang selalu dianggap perdagang, peniaga dan elit kepada masyarakat terbanyak. Industri halal ini akan menyentuh setiap petani, nelayan, pengusaha kecil, SME, malah kedai-kedai runcit, kerana ia dapat memastikan penyertaan yang lebih meluas.
  1. Bagi saya dalam mencapai maksud Ekonomi MADANI dan semangat Maqasid Syariah itu, ia mesti dapat menyantuni keseluruhan rakyat. Institusi kewangan berjaya dalam beberapa bidang, yang kita akui tetapi dengan industri halal ia telah melebarkan kegiatan itu kepada suatu yang lebih menyeluruh.
  1. Sebab itu saya ingin menyatakan penghargaan khusus kepada Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi yang kita minta, Jemaah Menteri mohon supaya mengepalai pasukan peringkat tertinggi, dapat menyelaraskan kegiatan, dan Majlis Pembangunan Industri Halal yang beliau pengerusikan ini telah mengenal pasti aspek-aspek baru yang belum diterokai sebelumnya. Jadi, bagi pihak kita, ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada beliau dan MITI, MATRADE selain JAKIM kerana telah meletakkan ke Malaysia ke tahap yang lebih menyakinkan.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentleman,


  1. May I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to the support by many governments throughout the world and my sailors with leaders, Middle East, ASEAN, China, Europe including my visit to Germany, and recently in Vladivostok meeting President Putin, without exception, almost all this countries, all these leaders, has given a special attention to Halal Industry and their recognition to the route of Malaysian Government and the autorities in promoting this and seeking our cooperation and collaboration to enhance through investiment that include the function of what is term Halal and Halal Industry. This is to my mind, the remarkable feet achieved by MATRADE and the government, because this is a way that we can explore the meaning of Halal and why Islam recognised the important of Halal be in the food product or cosmetics or any other related fields.
  1. This is also an opportunity for us to explain because initially the traditional understanding of Halal is no pork. When we used to travel those days, we have to probably asked for Halal meal and that means precise is just no pork and no alcohol period. But the Halal in our understanding in this context now, which you can see in this spectacular exhibition is the way to understand, that it means health, it means most sophisticated used of materials to avoid harmful products not only what is consider to be non Halal in this traditional context, so the health aspect, the aspect of cleanliness, aspect of eficacy, modern utilization of technological aspect are being considered, therefore Halal industry is now I should say achiceve a more satisfactory high level sort of product that is not only comparative to some other known product but I think can be considered able to excel because it is imposes condition for certification beyond what is generally considered acceptable in the international field.
  1. So I have commenced all of you not only in the industry, but in the research, in the administration, in the planning and strategic consideration for having gone so far and ensuring that Halal is understood now more than just non pork or non alcholol ingredients but excell into something more acceptable in this days where the society aspect the high quality product in terms of health, in terms of avoiding hazardous chemicals and most of this Halal certification now require this condition.


  1. Therefore, I’m quite excited to be here do I arrived from Kota Kinabalu almost at 3.00 am this morning, and I told Deputy Prime Minister and also Tengku Zafrul, if is it just any other ordinary function, I would have certainly deputised but because the important of this place, the support from almost 66 countries present today, denomous economic potential and particularly the advantage to general Malaysians, all over the street is all important, when talk about Halal, we talking about Islam with that, we talking about the interest all Malaysian without discrimination, I mean Halal industry participated have you see in this exhibition, by Muslim, Kristian, Hindu, Buddist, all participate as true Malaysian ensuring success of the Halal Industry.
  1. So Excellencies, I meet new participation, and my counter with our colleagues from Kyrgstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakstan, recently have shown that the interest and commitment to collaborate with us is further enhanced. And I must of course take opportunity to thank all my colleagues, leaders of these countries to UAE, to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and of course I will be leaving for Egypt soon in all this encounters without exception may I reiterate that Halal Industry remain as a core of our campaign and program.


  1. Now, I will learn bore you with more details and figures, 1 trillion-dollar s now,and the 5 trillion-dollar in the next ten years or rest but because you are quite familiar with the statistic and Tengku Zafrul has a better grasp of this numbers, but I must just say that I exceptionally grateful to all our collueges in MITI, MATRADE and the Chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Minister Zahid, and the collaboration and the support by Excellencies, Ambassadors and the High Commisioners, and the participations of so many countries, many of those countries participate, with the total support of their autorities of their governments. And therefore I would say, terima kasih, syukran, xièxie, nandri vanakkam, Kamsahamnida, Arigato gozaimasu.

Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.



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