6 JANUARY 2025 | 10:30 AM | HANGAR 6,
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera,
Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi,
Timbalan Perdana Menteri;
Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah bin Haji Yusof,
Timbalan Perdana Menteri;
Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’ Seri Amirudin Bin Shari,
Menteri Besar Selangor;
Yang Berhormat Dato’ Sri Tiong King Sing,
Menteri Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya;
Yang Berhormat Tuan Ahmad Fahmi bin Mohamed Fadzil,
Menteri Komunikasi;
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Shamsul Azri bin Abu Bakar,
Ketua Setiausaha Negara;
Tuan-tuan Yang Terutama;
Duta-duta; dan
- Hari ini kita rasa bangga kerana dapat meluncurkan atas inisiatif Yang Berhormat Dato’ Sri Tiong King Sing dan rakan-rakan di kementerian. Terima kasih, menjayakan apa yang kita anggap satu pendekatan baharu dalam menjadikan Malaysia sebagai destinasi pelancongan yang utama dan ini bermulanya satu inisiatif ikhtiar supaya 2026 Dato’ Sri Tiong ya, akan betul-betul mencatat pertumbuhan pelancongan ke seluruh negara. Dan kalau kita lihat daripada lagu tema tadi, ia dari awal cukup inklusif, mencakup semua daerah, negeri di Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak yang mempunyai kekuatan masing-masing.
- Malah untuk tahun ini sendiri pun, dalam kita menjayakan ASEAN, kita pastikan program-program kita itu menyiapkan negeri-negeri semuanya tanpa kecuali menjadi destinasi pelancong tahun ini, tahun-tahun hadapan utamanya dan saya telah minta semua kementerian memberikan tumpuan supaya Malaysia dapat meningkatkan keupayaan bidang pelancongan dan tentunya pelaburan dan ekonomi agar tidak ada kawasan atau negeri yang tersisih dan tertinggal.
- So it is with great pride and excitement that I officially launched the Visit Malaysia 2026 logo, a symbol of a renewed commitment to becoming a premier global tourism destination. We aim to welcome 35.6 million tourists by 2026. Ambitious but very pragmatic and realistic plan because if we do achieve this, we’ll be able to generate an expected revenue of 147.1 billion ringgit and certainly the benefit ramifications to the various sectors normally tourism, food and beverages and related industries would certainly benefit immensely from this success.
- Now, beyond these headline figures, our goal is clear, to promote tourism that is sustainable to our environment and communities, that acts as an engine of economic growth while providing meaningful and memorable experiences to our visitors.
- This is not an ordinary destination but a unique destination, environmentally friendly and with charming Malaysians multicultural, multiracial which is culturally divergent but rich and sustainable destination which is consistent with our theme.
- And that this is of course aligned to the MADANI framework, the ethos of our national development by championing sustainability concurrently with attainment of a higher quality of life and harmony between development and nature.
- I think this is recognised as something wanting, lacking in the whole craving urge for success and development and have largely ignored the environment. Therefore, in our attempt to promote Malaysia is to promote Malaysia as sustainable and harmonious in terms of multicultural legacy with strong cultural foundation, very diverse and reaching but our approach has been very inclusive.
- That’s why I think when I heard this ‘Malaysia Yang Unik’ ‘kenek-kenek udang’, something which is catchy and I’m must thank, I don’t know whether YBM Tiong King Sing has anything to do with it, but certainly it is a great thing. I mean, I believe that this is the theme will be something that will be appreciated and memorised by many of our Malaysians, particularly the young. So congratulations again.
- So for a multicultural multiracial society with known challenges, we have to recognise that promoting tourism must meet the national aspirations.
- Of course is an economic imperative, no question about it. But at the same time it is different, it is unique. Therefore, truly Asia and ‘Malaysia Yang Unik’ is to me very relevant in the context of driving Malaysia as an important tourist destination, promoting and emphasising on sustainability and of course, general economic welfare and environmentally friendly.
- So the impact of Visit Malaysia 2026, as I’ve said, will go far beyond the tourism industry, but to include hospitality, transport, retail, food industries and the economic benefits will be shared both by the urban rural communities and the rural heartland because the emphasis has been to ensure that every state, every community must have a stake in this exercise.
- So the four themes has been highlighted has been ecotourism and sustainability, modern attractions and innovations, cultural heritage and diversity and the strength of our collaborations and partnership. So the campaign has to proceed the road shows and festivals at minimum cost, Tourism Ministry, I must remind him. Every time he sees me, ask for money. I said your role is to get more money, not to ask for more money. As also I said that your role is to reduce foreign travels, but to bring foreigners here. But, we have Minister of Tourism who’s now travelling a bit too much. (Joking, joking, don’t take it too seriously.)
- But anyway, let me conclude by just reiterating again this very valid point. We are successful because we work together. We are successful, we will work as a team. And I am very confident that this ministry, from the Minister to the Secretary General and TDC and all the players will continue to do their best. That we want to ensure that 2026 is the best year for tourism in this country.
- And I would appeal in the presence of Menteri Besar and state representatives and the ministries, government agencies and GLIC’s here and also the private sector to assure you they will have to do and play our part. I’m proud to say that Kuala Lumpur for example, Wilayah Persekutuan have done reasonably well in promoting Kuala Lumpur is an important destination. I have seen Perak, Johor, Sarawak, Sabah and I think for this year, Selangor Tourism Year, Kedah Tourism Year, doing their bit to promote the state at the same time as an impetus for the grand tourism year for 2026.
- Jadi sekali lagi saya ucapkan terima kasih dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada Kementerian. Dan saya percaya Tuan-Tuan Yang Terutama, Duta-duta akan membantu memberi penerangan dan menggalakkan lebih banyak lawatan ke Malaysia. Dan kepada semua yang hadir termasuk pesawat-pesawat dan syarikat-syarikat utama yang bantu untuk mempromosi Visit Malaysia. Dato’ Sri Tiong dia tidak caj apa-apa ya? (nada bergurau). Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada mereka semua.
Terima kasih.
Assalamualaikum warhmatullahi wabarakatuh.