Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
- I believe the people of Malaysia would like to welcome Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali in his maiden visit with the members of delegation.
- Now Ethiopia is of course not as close as we do expect but there is a long tradition, historical sentimental with Malaysia and I mention to Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali, that he will be surprised that an ordinary Malaysian would know Habsyah are those days we called Ethiopia and with strong sentiment and affection. Because the first migration by the Prophet’s uncle to Habsyah during the reign of King Najashi, Christian’s King and throughout the Islamic history considered to be a just, compassionate king who gave protection to the Muslims when they were under siege and being oppressed by the Quraish from Mecca.
- So there is always something that we view, first the honour, respect given by a just, compassionate king, Christian’s King to the Muslim and for us in Malaysia where we have a multi-religious country with a Muslim majority, but we have substantial number of Christians, Buddhists and Hindus and other religions, this message is to me very pertinent. It helps us. So this is on the context and of course after mentioning that, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy immediately told me “but yes, don’t forget Bilal,” because Bilal is from Ethiopia from Habsyah and from a slave given freedom and elevated as a companion of the Prophet and later became the Governor of Madinah.
- So you see that is the history. It is like a part of our history of Ethiopia. And now we have a Prime Minister here and that’s why I just consider him to be part of the great family, and I think his visit other than of course, focusing on trade, bilateral relations, economic, energy and food technology.
- I cannot ignore the fact that it is of course an important country to us. Make majoring road into Africa and he with his stewardship, many of you may not be that familiar is a phenomenal growth. He is a factor of so much change and reform in Ethiopia, and so much things in common we did suffer a very turbulent period in our lives and he is given and trusted in this great job but he has done it. And if you study recent development in Ethiopia, you will see how the economy, the governance, the anti-corruption drive, the changes, the quality of education, the airlines and every field, you have grown.
- And I think in all humility we have seen, Malaysia, we should emulate the success, learn from experience and sharing part of our experience and contribution in trying to make sure that Malaysia remains a stable, peaceful country but at the same time propel its economy.
- So, me dear friend and brother Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali, may I again assure you that this is not a normal encounter between the representative countries but amongst family members and we want to ensure that this first major visit by African leader and incidentally Ethiopia is one of the largest African countries, a major country in its ability to foster African unity and collaboration. And you have given this sort of recognition to us and we do honour and appreciate.
- Finally on BRICS, you know we just came back from BRICS meeting and on behalf of the government, I must again express my profound appreciation and thanks because even before communicating with him, he was one of the pillars, important member of the original BRICS, they gave full unequivocal support to Malaysia to be part of BRICS. So, thank you again.