Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Taala Wabarakatuh,
Salam Sejahtera.
Saudara YB Tuan Ahmad Fahmi Bin Mohamed Fadzil,
Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital;
YB Teo Nie Ching,
Timbalan Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital;
YBhg Tan Sri Mohamad Salim Bin Fateh Din,
Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC);
Simon Sun,
CEO Huawei Malaysia;
Julian Gorman,
Head of Asia Pacific GSMA; dan
Rakan-rakan yang saya muliakan.
- Bagi pihak Kerajaan tentunya kita memulakan dengan menyatakan kesyukuran kepada Allah Subhanahu Wataala dan juga penghargaan kepada HUAWEI dan GSMA kerana dapat menyelenggarakan ICT Summit yang sangat bermakna.
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,
- The Malaysian government have taken a very bold decision to ensure that we get and benefit from the phenomenal change, advancement and development in the IT industry and therefore we made this decision, a departure from a decision to ensure that we benefit from whatever technology that has been produced and surfaced and the decision to have a single network.
- We made a very tough decision and mind you, I am not exaggerating when I say this, to allow for a fair competition so that we as a nation, the young nation can benefit from the best of both worlds. Well, it is not an easy decision precisely because the conventional view in some parts of the world is the concerns about security, about capacity of new industries particularly STEM from China.
- In Malaysia, with this MADANI philosophy and MADANI economy decided, I believe rightly that once we get the best from the west, we all should benefit the best from the east. We have made the decision years ago by the past administration to only work on a single network. But I think after extensive discussion, debates and even people like me having to learn and explore deeply to the innovation, technology and explorative of all, we made the decision to allow for a dual network.
- Thus, that is for more effective participation by Huawei and let’s see, I think we will be proven right because as a young nation, whilst we have benefited immensely from the contribution from the west, from the United States and Europe, the initial part of our development and industrial strength in Penang and Lembah Klang. We also realize that the geopolitical politics and economic changes have impacted upon our country and we have seen the growing rise of China and to an extent India and we should, as a nation that is fiercely independent, be bold enough to make decisions like what is best.
- I came back from New York yesterday evening, so I am a bit dazed, particularly when I am not reading the text. I was in Nanning, China few weeks ago, Premier Li Qiang was kind enough to host and had discussions and I told him precisely, the need of Malaysia as a vibrant economy with an independent stance to benefit because we have benefited, as I said, without exaggeration from the technology, from Intel to Motorola etc, from United States who continue to be a reliable friend but we see that our neighbor China has shown a lot of friendship and interest to make sure that neighbors prosper together.
- So in the last few months, I have met and had lengthy discussions with Premier Li Chiang three times and President Xi Jinping, who gave that wonderful vision which has certainly attracted my attention not only in terms of economic advancement, digital transformation but he talks about food security, elevating the standards of the poor. We share was somewhat something unique because most leaders do not talk about values and civilization, except for the pioneers of independence, be it in the what you consider the pilgrim fathers of the American independence movement, or some of the early initiators during the struggle against colonialism or imperialism.
- However, President Xi Jinping and myself, we talk about values and civilization which transcend not just economic imperative or technology, but focuses on issues of compassion and humanity, which is a deficit in our society.
- So what relevance has this to the ICT industry? Because we talk about inclusivity and digital divide. So this is not technology per se. This is technology with understanding of what is required to ensure that nation mature and benefit its citizens. We are not in favor of a digital transformation that would continue this divide or gross inequality between the very rich and the poor, or developing the urban and the rural hinterland. But we talk about digital divide and inclusivity.
- That is why when I met the Huawei leaders in Nanning, China, I was persuaded to have this meeting anyway, they told me a few things. For example, technology and training which is very critical. You see, Malaysians have the capacity, enormous capacity and it is not new. From the 90s, in my meeting with Bill Gates or Dell have always said that is spectacular.
- The resolve of young Malaysians which does not include me to study and to have that discipline that is required and surface and become successful, competent professionals. That’s why Intel, for example, decided to have its research center and training in Penang. Now what we lack, therefore, is that small niche that level of expertise that is required and only through our collaboration with industries in the west and here like what we have with Huawei with a commitment to give that opportunity, the small niche or gap that could allow us, the younger Malaysia, to excel have the level of competence and expertise that is required.
- Therefore, I must express my appreciation to Simon Sun and colleagues for undertaking this task. When a Prime Minister gives that appreciation, which means Huawei is expected to do a bit more and this collaboration would, of course, immensely assist not only Huawei as a company but in our attempt to undertake this whole process of digital transformation, which is entrusted partly to MCMC, YBhg Tan Sri Mohamad Salim Bin Fateh Din, so please listen carefully and make sure this collaboration works.
- Now, we talk about inclusivity because a society cannot sustain itself and when we talk about sustainability is very important. When you refer to the issue of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), not only inclusivity, issue of inequality and SDGs specifically because to me, in MADANI philosophy, if we cannot be sustainable, if we look purely in terms of technological change or transformation without care, concern and compassion to ensure that every single citizen in this country is given that opportunity.
- That is why our 5G network made it abundantly clear. It is just not a matter of technology, but as a matter of ensuring that every single citizen, from the urban squatters or urban poor to the remotest area in Sabah or Sarawak, must be given that opportunity and access and connectivity. Otherwise, to my mind, it is not sustainable. Sustainability is not to benefit the few, urban elites or ruling cliques, sustainably means every single citizen will benefit. That is why we do not represent a view using this race card in this country.
- The country and the constitution made abundantly clear that the Malays and Bumiputeras will be protected but it is also made clear that in order to succeed and for countries to mature, we must not use a Race card, as one must make sure that every single Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sabahan or Sarawakian be given their due right to stay, leave and protect this country.
- So I just want to express again my appreciation and to reiterate what we have said before when we embarked upon this whole issue of digital transformation, because it requires a new mindset, a new attitude and our preparedness for us not only to learn but also to share. The pace must change and we cannot talk about transformation and not ease of doing business.
- We have a session in Cabinet Meeting this morning and I reiterated this similar point that we have the potential and thank God, when we were in New York recently, you can sense the enthusiasm, recognition of potential investors to Malaysia.
- But we will have to respond accordingly, not only through digital transformation, but to make sure that there is ease of doing business and the clarity in policy. That is why we announced the MADANI economy, the Energy Transition Plan, The New Industrial Master Plan, and even our Midterm Review of the 12th Malaysia Plan was actually a departure from a notion, the traditional notion of thinking about five year plan to something that is adjusted according to the needs of the times including the issue of digital transformation.
- Now, next month, I will have to present to the Parliament the second MADANI economy and I believe the issues I have raised here, and the issues that you have raised in your deliberations, if we are to summarized, can be presented to YB Tuan Ahmad Fahmi Bin Mohamed Fadzil, who shouldn’t just sit and enjoy my speech. He must take notes and present them to me so that we can improve the MADANI budget. So thank you again for this opportunity and I have decided not to read the text, which is going to be extremely boring to you. Mind you, most of you have better understanding in competence so let me give the macro outlook and introduce or remind you about the new approach by this administration.
Terima kasih sekali lagi kepada semua dan Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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